Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A few of his Favorite things...

Okay, so this post is about Easton again. Surprise, surprise. But really, let's face it, this boy takes way cuter pictures than me or Ryan. Here are just a few recents of Easton-bul. He has been a gem lately and we even just found tooth #3 poking through! He's started sleeping through the nights, plays more independently, and is such a cuddler. I love these golden times!!

Here are some of Easton's favorites lately...

Well, he loves his Grandpa and Momma. He also loves the colorful mats we put in our living room. Classy, huh? I swore I wouldn't be that kind, but it has been SO much nicer with them as Easton has been learning to crawl and walk. The tile just isn't his friend and the rug just wasn't large enough.

Holy cow does this kid LOVE water. He could sit in the hose and play all day if I let him. Sometimes he gasps for air as the water can be quite cold. But that doesn't deter him, instead it throws him in a fit of giggles.

He pretty much loves anything that squishes through his fingers, but especially loves guava (passion fruit). It's not only squishy, but he loves the flavor.

Easton has more fun playing with his Dad than any other toy available. He gets so excited when Ryan gets home. You would think I was torturing him all day the way he speed crawls to his feet when he walks in the door. They are each other's toys.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mustaches for Big Boys

This week has been another week of firsts for Easton. First off, we started giving him dairy. I know not a big deal at all, but look how darn cute Easton sports the yogurt mustache?! This kid is so awesome! Totally makes my day everyday.

Secondly, drum roll please.... he slept through the night twice this week. I don't think I have ever quite been so excited reading on the alarm clock "six o'clock", having last looked at the clock at 10pm the night before. WOW! and then having him do it twice in one week, I hardly know what to do with all this uninterrupted sleep. This little bug has been fighting this phase for a LONG while! So this is a great milestone for both Mom and him.


Easton isn't the only one trying out the mustache these days. For fun Ryan grew out his facial hair for the Holidays. The day before work he shaved it all off except for this little gem. I really don't care for mustaches. Just not my thing, but Ryan was having fun with it. Enjoy the nasty 'stache!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas in a Big Nut Shell

So, instead of posting a bunch of mini blogs, I am just combining all of our Christmas events together.

To start off, we celebrated Easton's first St. Nick morning. I grew up getting my stocking the morning of Dec. 6th, after St. Nick had visited the previous night. I loved this tradition and am so excited to start passing it down to Easton. It is the kickoff to the Christmas shenanigans.

Easton got a few small toys and enjoyed one of his first pieces of candy

Next we celebrated our own family Christmas, before heading up to the US to visit our families.

Ryan put Easton in a bow under the Christmas tree.
So grateful to have this little gift in my life!

Then, we were off to Utah to spend a few days with our Utah family, before heading out to Colorado to spend some time with my side of the family.

Easton got some bonding time with his cousins before we left. He LOVED sharing a bath with another kid and Harlie was happy to help wash him. So cute! It made me excited for Easton to have a sibling... someday.

We also celebrated Britney's birthday. And yes, that is cake wrapped in tin foil. Let's just say that night everybody was running around!

The next part of the trip started off with me getting us packed for Colorado. I was efficiently laying everything on the bed and getting things organized when Ryan came running down explaining that he goofed on flight times and that we needed to leave at that moment! ops. So needless to say that as I was frantically throwing things in the bag, I missed a few things like our camera. Booooo. I don't have any pictures from the Colorado trip. In just a few words, the trip was a lot of fun and a bit of unfun. It was wonderful to see family, going boarding (the first time, the second time I think I broke my coccyx:)), opening gifts, and just shooting the breeze with my sisters, grandma, and parents. My highlights of the trip were def seeing my sweet nephew, Calvin, and watching my sisters bond with Easton. Haydee was a dream and happily took care of Easton countless times! Ahh, makes me want to move closer to fam, oh wait that dream is almost realized! woohoo. I am so excited to live near fam again! Back to the holiday caption though... The unfun part of the trip was the fact that Easton kept me up at all hours of the night... this is when he started getting an ear infection.

So back to Utah we went, five days later. The trip went so fast, but we got to spend an evening with each of Ryan's siblings and we all packed into the parent-in-law's house for Christmas weekend. Among the activities that weekend was the famous Christmas Eve pajama presents.

Unwrapping Christmas PJs

Miles took his first few steps and magically I happened to be taking pictures of him!

The kids also dressed up for the nativity activity. Not much of the story was spoken, but it was fun to dress up all the nieces and nephews. Easton was asleep at this point so he's not in any of these pics. I am a bit of a Nazi when it comes to Easton's sleep schedule.

Aren't they cute?! Gotta love Jack kissing the baby Jesus. That's the only way we could keep this active one in the picture.

And just a few more pics of family around the room that night

This last collage was priceless and I had to post it! My nephew, Kaden is just a year and a few months younger than his older twin siblings. He has had to get with it quick and has learned to crawl, walk, and just about everything else at a very young age to keep up with his older siblings. He is still a bit smaller than them and is continually being mauled. Most of the time he can hold his own, but as you can see he still ends up at the bottom of the pile sometimes!

The trip was wonderful. Ryan and I were a bit down coming back to Mexico without any family nearby. It also felt like we were going on a vacation to our own home, as we had gotten so used to the American culture. We sat around the following weekend feeling quite bored after all the running around. I will say that we were trying to enjoy the boredom, since in two months our lives with be anything but boring with the move.
I loved Christmas this year and already look forward to next year. At the same time, it felt great coming back to warm weather. It was funny to be washing the car in our bathing suits five days later!