I went AWOL for a little bit, but my blog is always still lingering in the back of my mind. So I will do a quick recap as to what the Frank family has been up to. There have been so many small events and celebrations, that I can hardly remember them all even from last week. I guess I will start with the big stuff. Well, since, Easton's birthday we have been busy with a visit from my Dad, my birthday, Ryan's birthday, Dia del Nino and a bunch of other things.
I was lucky enough to have my Dad here in Mexico for my birthday. Magically, a work trip aligned with it and I couldn't have asked for a better gift. My Fronk made my day wonderful. I slept in and awoke to some mango crepe awesomeness. My sweet hubby had gone online and looked up a recipe and then bought all the ingredients and made it. Such a heart warming moment. Then he surprised me with a sewing machine. I have been wanting one for awhile and was hoping to get one by Halloween (I always have great costumes in mind (or at least I think so), but no means to accomplish them:)). I was so excited and totally surprised. This too, was a very thoughtful gift, as he had gone to multiple shops and inquired after the ladies to know which one to get me. I love this man.
The day carried on somewhat mainstream and then for dinner we went to a restaurant on the lake and enjoyed dinner, just me, Fronk, and my Dad. I love eating out cause its such a great chance just to sit and talk without distractions.
When we got back, the most tender gift awaited. At about ten, we got a knock on the door. I was surprised to see one of the neighbor girls, Mariana, on my doorstep with a hot, homemade cake and an origami box with a homemade necklace. I about died. Her Mom was with her and said that her girls had wanted to do something special for my birthday (as she nodded her head towards Mariana, implying that she did most of it). She had been hard at work and finally had it ready at that late hour. This was such a sweet act of kindness, I could have teared up. (The picture above is with the cake and the necklace she made). Easton and I play with Mariana and her sisters nearly daily, as well as with another half dozen neighborhood kids. It is the sweetest feeling to hear the kids laughing outside and seeing Easton begging at the door to play with them. Everybody gets along so well, it is almost like a little Utopia in our neighborhood. Simply picture perfect.
So, needless to say I had a very thoughtful birthday and am so grateful for those that surround me.
Then came Ryan's birthday, April 30th (a Monday).
The weeks before I started planning out his cake and party. I had wanted to use that Saturday previous to rent out a soccer field and have a game going and a bbq. Well, two weeks prior, Ryan announced that he would really like to go wake boarding for his birthday. As he needed to work on Monday, I knew it was going to have to be that Saturday. So, I botched the soccer idea. Then, a week later he changed his mind. Well, since his birthday falls on Children's day here, there was little hope of finding a soccer field available on such short notice. I wanted to take a cake to Ryan's work and sing there, but go figure the office was closed on Monday. I scrambled for another idea and tried getting a hold of friends to go bowling and eat cake on Saturday. Everybody was busy. Finally, I decided to have a lunch at our house on Monday and then take Ryan out that night with just the two of us. Well, the cake turned out okay, the hamburgers were yummy and our friends were able to come. It was a success. Couldn't believe what an ordeal that was turning out to be! ha. That night all the movies were sold out (which had been my plan since Ryan loves the movies), so we sat in a bookshop and talked about business ideas, another passion of Ryan's. Despite the setbacks, it was a wonderful day and I was so happy to celebrate Ryan's birthday the way we did.
Such a perfect best friend, husband, and Father for me and Easton. I couldn't have picked a better match or a more wonderful person to spend the eternities with. My life is all wrapped up in this man and I love that we can laugh, bicker, love, understand, learn, discover, and face life's challenges together.
In between these events, I made a large cake for our ward's Dia del Nino celebration. We also had a nice Saturday afternoon at the theme park here (its geared towards kids). Here is a picture of Easton and I on the train on the left. Easton had, yet another haircut (picture on the right) and got a toy and red star on his forehead for being such a good boy. I had to post one of those pics!
A couple of Saturdays ago we also decided to tackle a project we have been wanting to do. We bought all the materials to make another countertop. This picture below was before we finished the sides and top. I needed to put the stuff in before it was finished and Easton had a ball for the next few days, taking everything out and putting everything back in. Lovely.